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"Seems dangerous, but maybe it just wants some love."
Character Info
Name Trotrochan
Species Virus Darkner
First Appearence WIP
Game Info
HP 250
Attack (AT) 8
Deffense (DF) 1
D$ on Win 85
ACTs Check, Befriend, BefriendX
Level 7
Likes Funny Pony Show
Dislikes AntiVirus


Trotrochan is a Darkner enemy encountered in Neo City and TvStudio Tower. They're based on computer viruses, specifically the trojan horse virus.

Trotrochan is a counter to Virovirokun, both being computer viruses that somewhat like the protagonist.



Trotrochan is a small floating computer virus. Their body is composed of abstract rectangle shapes that make up their body and mane. Their body is a red rectangle, the front legs orange and green, the back legs purple and blue. Their head is also blue and their mane white. Trotrochan’s mouth hangs open and black, their eyes two spirals. They float above the ground and sway from one side to the other.


Trotrochan is based off of trojan viruses, being vaguely horse shaped and wanting to get close with the player. They’re very clingy and needy, always wanting to know more about Kris and the rest of the party, like their “government info” and “passwords”. Trotrochan seems disoriented and stumbles a lot, its sprite wobbling back and forth.

Main Story

Chapter [[GARY]]

Trotrochan can be found in both the Insider and Outsider routes as a basic enemy. They can be found in the lower levels of the TvStudio Tower and in the streets of Neo City while traversing from area to area.



Appears With

Flavor Text
